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Project Details

Project Title: Gouyave Biorock Pilot Project

Project Description:

The Grenada Coral Reef Foundation (GCRF) partnered with the Global Coral Reef Alliance (GCRA) to implement the Gouyave Biorock Pilot Project in June 2018. The GCRA have been implementing Biorock projects in many countries over the world, and have always worked with a local partner so as to better strengthen local capacity to continue the technology in future projects. 

Eight (8) BIOROCK structures in the shape of tunnels, dome and starfish, were built by volunteers which included fishermen and students from within the Community of Gouyave. The artificial reef structures were propagated with rescued coral fragments from adjacent reefs and from the Grand Anse Reef Complex. GCRF will endeavor to monitor and maintain these structures after the life of the project.

Project Period:



The Project was commissioned by the Grenada Community Development Agency (GRENCODA) with support for the Caribbean Climate Change Community Centre (5Cs) and the German Development Bank (KfW).

Project Photos

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